Sunday, May 4, 2014

love life continued.... leading up to the best part
Alright so continuing on from my previous post.
After the whole fiasco with the guy from champs, I decided to leave guys alone for a while. I mean I would still flirt with them but came to the conclusion that relationships weren’t for me. One of my really good friends from school, he is on the Cal Football team, started having a crush on me. It began over Spring Break when I went to Disneyland with my sister and her two roommates and he is from that area and decided to meet up with us on our second day in the park. Well, it was obvious that as the night progressed that he had gained feelings that were more than just friendship. I mean I wasn’t that attracted to him, but he was such a nice guy and so sweet to me that I decided I would see how things went. I mean maybe if I gave hims  chance things would turn out great for us. However, I realized after kissing him that there was no way I could ever have a romantic relationship with him. I decided to tell him that i just wanted to be friends. 
It was a Friday night about 2 weeks ago that I went out to Berkeley to tell him. I was planning on going over to my friend’s dorm afterwards since she wanted to go out to a few frat parties that night. After I told him how I felt, he didn’t really take it that well and I left thinking that I had just lost a friend. I headed to my friend’s dorm and we proceeded to get ready and head to the party. The party was not as fun as I was expecting. I didn’t really know anyone and there weren’t that many people. We switched to another party and it was the same thing. We decided to head back to her dorm around midnight and at that point I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed. I told my friend this and she got very upset with me. She started calling me a user and that I only hung out with her because she took me to these Frat parties. I reminded her of the time a few months ago when I drove her all the way to a city about 40 minutes away so she could sell her cell phone to some guy and that I never asked for a cent of gas money. Her response was that she paid for my food every time we ate on campus.  (This made absolutely no sense considering that she works at the place we eat at and she gets the food for free basically). I then reminded her of how a few weeks before I came all the way out to Berkeley just to go on this 3.5 mile run with her….. and her response is what triggered me to leave that night. She said that the run wasn’t for her, my “fat-ass needed to run.”
Oh helllll no.
Okay, let’s backtrack a little. Rewind to the night before, thursday. I was out to dinner with two of my friends. My cell phone vibrated with a Facebook message. It was some guy whose name i didn’t recognize. I showed my friends and they were like, “Let’s see what he looks like!”
So we looked through his pictures and I immediately remembered him. I had gone to high school with him and he looked very handsome. I decided, with some encouragement from my friends, to reply. we ended up talking the whole night and I learned that he was in the army and he was home on leave and that he was leaving Monday to go back to Texas where he is stationed. I thought for sure that he was only messaging me because he wanted a hook-up before heading back. However, he was fun to talk to so when he gave me his phone number, I texted him. We texted that night and then he texted me the next morning. We texted throughout the day and after I had told my football guy that I just wanted to be friends, I told the other guy that my night was already having a bad start. I continued to text him the whole night while I was at the Frat parties with my friend and he told me that if I needed him to pick me up he would - and remember it is a 30 minute drive to Berkeley from where we live. 
going back to where I left off…. after my friend told me I was a fat-ass, I took him up on his offer to pick me up and sure enough 30 minutes later, he was there. He brought me home and I was kinda drunk. He didn’t try to take advantage of me and was a complete gentleman the entire time. He even brought me all the way back to Berkeley the next morning to get my car and brought me lunch to work later that day. He was even cuter in person. He invited me to his going away party that night and we hooked up while at the party. I spent the night at his house and i thought for sure that he was going to do what the other guy did; stop talking to me. Except he still wanted to see me again that night. We spent the entire weekend together and stayed together until the moment he left to go back to Texas. the night before he was leaving, he asked me to wait for him. he said that he hadn’t felt this way about a girl before and that he wanted to be with me. I completely felt the same way and said yes! We are now in a long distance relationship and are still going strong! All my misfortunes have led me to him I believe. But, I will continue to update about all the snazzy things that occur. 

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