Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What. The. Hell. 
I literally don’t understand, I get TwerkingSkies was dissing your man, etc etc but do Beliebers hate on everyone that disses Justin? No. And before you say ‘but everyone hates on Justin, get over it’ AHEM then there’s more of a reason to go defend HIM isn’t there? to be honest I don’t understand why you’d actually hate on him, at least he had a reason to hate on him, Dan was rude to his friend and then there are ALOT of stories about Dan being rude going around, at least he didn’t insult him without any grounds for it. He hated your idol, build a bridge and get over it, don’t tell him to kill himself he said in a post that HE HAD A PAST WITH DEPRESSION AND SELF HARM you should NEVER hate like that on ANYONE, especially people who have a past like that!!!!!! Did you read what you drove him to? Are y’all happy? Dan has heaps of supporters backing him up, but as far as we know, TwerkingSkies could have had NO-ONE irl. So GROW  UP, okay he hated on your idol, but hating on him makes you JUST AS BAD, okay? He’s deleted his account, or it’s been taken down. WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE HE IS, NO IDEA WHETHER HE’S ALIVE OR NOT, DOES THIS NOT SCARE YOU A LITTLE BIT?????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!! it’s things like this that make me sick

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