Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Do you ever think about how…easily you can let go of a person? After you’ve had many laughs and many profound conversations, they move away, and you’re shocked by how unaffected you are by their absence, even though you expected to miss them. Some of the people you know you love are easy not to yearn for. The people you thought you couldn’t live without become nothing but a memory. I wonder if this comes down to selfishness, to us simply loving the convenience someone brings, but moving on because we never needed that convenience. Or maybe we were dependent and addicted to the happiness they brought us, but again, we move on because we get rid of our dependency. 
There is no doubt about the fact that your love for someone, no matter how strong, can stop at one point. I feel like we are never taught this, or at least, not properly. I went through life thinking a person had to do something terrible for me to stop loving them, but now I realize that’s not the case. In fact, they may do absolutely nothing wrong. Your goals might change and your interests might change and you might feel like you’re ahead of them in mindset, so you grow apart. Sometimes it may seem like a very small thing, but it’s enough to cause a chasm. That’s not shown enough in the media.The most famous stories have romanticized depictions of relationships, where something huge has to happen in order for ties to be severed. I can perfectly understand that. The idea of forever and of soul mates is a form of escapism in and of itself. The reality is different, though. It’s rare for friendships to last/stay on the same level for a lifetime, and that’s depressing. Who wants to watch or read something about that, right?
So considering how disconcerting this realization is, I think I’ll stick to my books and movies. Ignorance is bliss, and I am a weakling who detests discomfort. 
Anyway, if anyone has something to say about this, tell me! I’d like to know everyone’s take on it. Do you agree/disagree? Am I getting upset because I’m being too pessimistic, or is there some truth to this?

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