Mirrors vs. Everyone
I was recently talking to my creative correspondent today about how people perceive themselves. People almost always perceive themselves as much worse than what they really are. The mirrors are the worst thing for creating this illusion, as people always search for the worst parts of themselves in mirrors. They are always looking for what is wrong with them, when in reality nothing really is. People are beautiful by nature, in their own way.
I have always believed that everyone is good at something. Think about it, even the biggest jackasses in life had some serious skills. Hitler was a good speaker, Stalin was a master manipulator, and Emily Bronte sat through writing the worst book known to man. So when I meet someone, I always try to look for the good in them, it takes a really awful person for me to not like them. This is a philosophy I recommend for everyone because it will really improve your life. But why don’t most people do this for themselves, even if they do it for others.
The answer to this nearly impossible question is that people simply don’t believe good things. The “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is” mentality is very frequently applicable to life, but when staring down the face in the mirror it is an awful mentality to have. One thing most of the world will never understand is how confidence is the best thing to have. If you are confident in how you look and how you are as a person, you will suceed in life. Just keep fighting the demons inside your head that tell you that you are anything other than amazing.
The truth is not everyone is awesome and cool right now, but everyone has the potential to be that. I’m not gonna lie, some people in the world just simply have gone down the wrong path. Bronies for example. I’m not one to criticize a lifestyle, but Bronies are really peculiar fellows, and not in a good way. The militant atheism, dedication to a children’s show, objectification of women, and fedoras of these people are just too much for me to handle. I am aware that this is a generalization, but this lifestyle makes no sense to me.
So I guess my point is:
Be all that you can be, and you will suceed.
If you live by that quote, you goin’ places baby!
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