Sunday, May 4, 2014

Homeless in Houston pt2
-Was staying with Aunt &Uncle
-Moved out yesterday
-Living back under bridge
-Yes I am completely safe
I was temporarily with my Auntie but she lives out in Katy, TX and I work in Houston 13miles away. I have no vehicle and depending on ANYONE to get me around is not something I like to do so my bike is my transportation.
Moved out because even though I would be homeless, it means I am closer to work and everything else. I have many people that has offered to help but my work schedule conflicts with everyone plus this is my problem.
Everyone else is dealing with other issues and really care too much to get them involved. Contrary to what people might think, I am quite already. Of course I would love to be back in an apartment or house and have a vehicle but in time I will.
I praise Jesus regardless of what I lack because I have Him and am never truly lacking. He is my shelter in life’s storm, everything went bad for me but God is still here. This is a learning and growing experience and God gets all the glory.
Being homeless is not the best decision but it is the better one for the moment. Many others have it way worse. They are wealthy and have all that they desire within their finger tips but don’t have Christ.
Far worse than me…

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