Black proud.
Black Girl
Your hair is your crown so wear it ever so proudly
There are many that wish to wear the crown that you have beautifully placed on your shoulders…
Your rich brown body is a temple, in which you shall feed it with what your earth has provided for you. Respect your body black girl, guard your sweet nectar as the worker bees guard the hive…
Your mind is more powerful thank you think black girl. Do not close it, do not let society shut you down. You hold power black girl. Society is afraid of you , they are afraid of your truth and like cowards they try to shut you down because people are afraid of what they do not understand and what they do not know. But you know better…you are better. Your mouth holds a tongue that will give a lashing worse than those slave masters gave their slaves…
Be proud of your heart black girl. You love and you love so damn hard that it scares people. Though your love may be tough at times, you know you mean well….
Black girl…your spirit dances. You have faith, you have dance, you have music, you have rhythm, you have so much soul black girl , be proud of that.
Black girl you are not a hoe. You are not a bitch. You are not ghetto. You are not a “nigga.”
You are free…you are liberated. You are strong, you are intimidating. You are black, southern, Caribbean…
and you are only what you answer to..
Be proud black girl. Be proud. be proud. be proud. Proud of your hair…your body…your mind…your tongue, your heart and your soul…
You are a black girl and you should be proud.
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