Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To My Soulmate...
I just wanted to say that i love you. You make me happy beyond measure and comfort my restless mind when i need it most. There isn’t a thing in the world that could keep me from you. I hope you know how much I’m deeply in love with you. Even though your thousands of miles away I trust you with my heart.. i trust you with everything I am. 
I cant wait to see you again. I cant wait to show you how much i appreciate you and how im falling more for you everyday. Its 4 am here and i cant sleep, but all i can think about is being with you. I miss holding you and feeling so safe. I miss forgetting all the torments that life holds and just drifting off in each other’s love for one another. I miss feeling your soft beautiful lips against mine.
Whether we are just playing video games or watching an entire season of an anime together i cant help but cherish the time we spend with one another. Even if we are on the phone and dont say a single word, i am content knowing that your are on the other end of the line and that makes me feel better.
Your the kind of person that makes me want to be a better person, to strive to my utmost potential because i want to provide for you. I dont want u to ever want anything. There are times when i dont feel like going to class and i just want to sleep, and then i think of you. It reminds me of my goals and what i need to accomplish in order to see you again.
Im so lucky to have found you. There are times when we are talking on skype and i just think to myself… why would someone so beautiful choose me. Of all the people you could have been with you chose me. While i dont completely understand why, i am so happy that you did choose me. It is one of my life’s grandest joys to see you smile and know that you love me back.
Thank you for saving me even if you dont see it as that. Before i met you i stayed up thinking about scary and dark things. I didnt see why everything was happening to me when i was just trying to do good. I thought i would never find anyone that TRUELY loved me as much as i do them.
I dont know when you will see this but when you do, please know that this is a sad attempt to show you how much i care. If i sat in this chair and just typed how i felt about you till the end of my days, i still wouldnt be able to sum up how i feel about you. Your personality is just as gorgeous as your appearance. You are my dream come true. When i was with you… there were multiple times when i checked to see if i was dreaming because you are too good for me. You constantly make me blush even though im completely comfortable with you.
You make me feel like im worth some thing. :/ When im around you, you make me see the meaning in this life. Without love this life isnt worth going through all the hardships and horrible things. But i would go through them all over again in order to just have a chance with you. I know that true love will never die and i know ive found it.
I love you. You mean the world to me. / pulls you close to me and i hold your chin/neck as i gaze into your beautiful eyes and move your bangs behind your ear. Then i slowly close my eyes and kiss you as i hold you ever so tenderly

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