Tuesday, April 1, 2014

So I tried to explain bdd to my friend about a week ago, I have not been that angry or frustrated in a looong time.
Basically I was 35 mins late for my lesson because we had P.E. and since I really need to pass all of my classes I had no choice but to attend. Of course this meant that I had to spend an incredible amount of time making sure my makeup and hair was JUUUST perfect before heading back out.
This dude, my friend, asked me why I was late and why I’m always so obsessed with my appearance. I decided to tell him since we’re quite close. Because why not, what could possibly go wrong, right?
I explained and guess what his only comment was? 
"Oh so basically like every other woman out there"
I wanted to punch him. The ignorance is astonishing.
Bdd is to SO. MUCH. MORE. than what people judge as the “normal-beauty-obsessed-woman”-behavior.
It’s so much more.
It’s a disorder, one that fucks up a lot of peoples lives.
It should not ever be confused with the mere desire to want to look good.
It’s not the same.
Bdd fucks your life up. You can’t go out, you can’t do this, you can’t do that. It’s horrible.
I’m sorry. I’m ranting. I’m just frustrated at the ignorance that exists in our society. Sorry.

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