Goodbye laziness.
I need to stop being lazy, in all aspects of my life. Lately, well most of my life actually, I only do things half-assed, even with important things. I have these big ideas and goals but I never reach them because I never stick to anything, and I only put in minimal effort. For example, university. One week I felt so unmotivated to go, so I didn’t attend a lecture or tutorial all week. I kept telling myself I would catch up but I never did. While this did have a small impact on my education, it made me realize how good I am at convincing myself that important things aren’t that important, and it would be okay if I didn’t do them properly or at all. Another example is my weight. For about a year now I have wanted to lose some weight and to become fitter. I would stick to it for a few days and then go back to normal. In the end, I have managed to gain 2kg in the past year rather than losing anything. I need to get my will power and motivation in check. I want to show everyone that I can stick to something for once and that I can do well. So this is my goal for April. I want to attend 90% of my university classes and to be on track with all assessments. Weight wise, I want to go to the gym most days of the week for an hour, and to eat more fruit/veggies. I want to be fitter and healthier and I want to do this for myself. I think the ultimate goal would be to have lost a significant amount of weight by the time I revisit my hometown in July. And I want to pass all of my exams.
I want to be more productive and motivated, and I know I can do it, I just need to get off my ass and actually do it.
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