Thursday, April 10, 2014

One of my best friends committed suicide in January.
I went to a memorial service for her the day before the funeral.
I saw all her family, her other friends, teachers, neighbors…everyone she knew
I saw her in a coffin, something I never thought I would ever have to see.
My other best friend and I sat together, and listened to stories about her.
We sat and remembered that only weeks before, all three of us were together.
The last time I saw her, she was getting out of my car. I said, smiling and waving, “goodbye”
I was 100% sure that I would see her again
I was wrong
I didn’t know what she struggling with, no idea at all.
She smiled all the time, she laughed all the time. She was the strongest person I had ever met.
But even the strongest can get scared. Even the strongest can feel hopeless.
She was NOT a coward. She was NOT selfish. She was NOT asking for attention.
She couldn’t get out, and she needed help, but no one knew until it was too late.
I miss her. I miss her. I miss her. I miss her. I miss her.
So listen to me. Suicide is not an answer. It causes so much more pain than I think people realize.
If you are scared, depressed, lonely, worried, hopeless, anything listen to me.
There are people in your life who love you more than you can possibly know. You have parents, grandparents brothers, sisters, friends, best friends, teachers, neighbors, and so many more who CARE about YOU.
Sometimes it may feel like no one is there. I understand, I have felt that way before.
Sometimes it may feel like the walls are closing in around you, the darkness is making it hard to see, and the pressure is too much for you to handle. I understand, I have felt that way before.
BUT please, please do not stop that beating heart.
You are ALIVE. You are breathing, and if that is all you have good for you because you are still going. You have made it this far, you are strong, you belong on this Earth, you matter.
Talk to someone. If you feel weighed down by the worry. Talk to someone if you can’t break the rain cloud. Talk to someone. Please, talk to someone.
Watch a funny video, spend time with your friends, pet your cat, eat a cookie, take a deep breath, put your hand on your chest and feel that heart beat.
You are alive. I am alive too, I am someone you can talk to.
I miss her. I miss her more than anything and all I want to do right now is give her a big hug.
Her dad came up to my friend and I after her memorial service. He hugged the both of us and started to cry. Her dad hugged us and he started to cry because he wanted us to know that he missed his little girl, he missed his daughter. I had only met this man one time before, but he came up to me and he hugged me tightly and told me how much fun she had with us.
At her funeral, as her coffin was taken out of the church, I realized that at that moment, she was gone. It was the last time I would be close to her. And then…I went to find my dad…and I hugged him just as tightly as her dad hugged me. And my dad said, his voice shaking a little, “It’s going to be okay”.
I am here today telling all of you out there, it’s going to be okay. I promise you. It is going to be okay.
"Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier”

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