Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Stupid effing questions...
Woman: He [my son] is adorable! Where is he from?
Me: …my vagina.
Woman: (Gives me a funny look) You don’t have to get all angry. I was just asking a question.
Me: That wasn’t anger, I was just stating a fact. 
Why is it people want to get pissed off after they’ve asked you a dumb ass question? Don’t ask me where my son is from and then get pissed off when I give you an answer. Like what the hell people. You want to ask me a question about my son’s ethnicity then how about thinking about a non-offense way of asking it.
I love how people think they have every right to ask you whatever the fuck they want and yet you don’t have the right to answer back in a similar fashion. 
Sometimes I can’t with people.
And not gonna lie, most of these dumb fucking questions come from white women. Why? Have you not taken a biology class? Why is it you can have two white, brunette parents spit out a blonde kid and no one stops to ask where the kid came from? I have a friend who is a flaming red-head and her kid popped out dirty blonde with blue eyes. No one has once asked her where she got the kid from, which is funny since her husband is mixed Dominican. 
I’m trying to figure out what it is about me that makes other people feel as if they can ask stupid questions about my child without getting their face ripped off. Do I look like a nice person? Do I need to walk around with a permanent scowl on my face to discourage foolishness? I have no problems with people being curious about my son. He is adorable. But seriously, stop and ask yourself this:
Would I be offended if someone asked me the same exact question? If so, then keep your mouth shut. If not, then deal with my answer and keep it moving.

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