Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The 5 People In My Life (5 part poem/story about my life)
I long to taste freedom.
To soar up and kiss the clouds.
to be THAT CLOSE to touching the stars. 
To dive deep into the ocean and see the mysterious beauties and ride the waves.
I long to break these chains that hold me back, restricting me of what I know I can reach.
“Lord we know what we are but know not what we may be.”
I pray to one day be in the heavens, because the view must be beautiful from up there.
Being that naive gives me the freedom to let my mind roam.
I escape to my own little world where I imagine myself flying over the world.
The wind in my hair, the sun on my skin, just soaring.

But then I crash head first into reality
where the only thing flying is time.
I want to fly, but my wings are tied down and my bones are not hallow.
I want to dive, but my lungs cannot hold that much air and I’m faced with the cruel truth that I cannot breathe under water. 
I am trapped by a warden called Reality.
I call my cellmate Imagination, but here, He is called other names.
I am glad Imagination is with me. 
He helps me remember that I will always have him even if Reality takes everything else away.

Time has past and Imagination is now Hope.
He turned into her out of my desperation. 
I was lost and now Hope was holding my hand.
She was gentle, had a smile on her face, and wiped the tears away.
She told me that Imagination still lived, but now I needed more than just my imagination.
Hope guided me out of the dark tunnels, the rocky roads, the poisonous air.
I now follow her. 
As soon as I reach her, she speeds up just a little bit so she can help remind and warn me that there more hardships to come and I cannot give up on her.

If I ever fall because Reality tripped me,
Confidence helps me up. He carries me
tells me that I am strong, beautiful, amazing. 
He puts a mirror in front of me and reminds me of who I am and what I am capable of.
” You’ve made it this far,” he’d say ,”you can do this. I know you can. YOU know you can.”
Sometimes he has to drag me to at least get on my hands and knees so I can crawl.
“It’s not easy and I know you don’t have the energy, but you can crawl. It may not be the fastest way to carry on, but at least you’ll still get there.”
Confidence believes in me. Confidence carries me.
Confidence gets me to laugh at myself and my mistakes, because He reminds me that no one is ever perfect.
Confidence reminds me who I am and what I have done and can do.

“Love begets love. Love conquers all.” 
When I am alone, love surrounds me. 
When I am lost, love finds it way to me.
When I’m giving up, love holds me closer and puts my pieces together.
Love holds me up so I can be one again. 
But love also hurts.
Sometimes love drags me in at the wrong time causing me to fall.
Other times, love drags me in too late and by the time love brings me where I want to go, it’s too late.
Love apologizes and tries again, but still making the same mistakes along the way.
But it’s fine. Love helps me get stronger and mature.
Love reminds me that sometimes it will be a one way street and time can only tell what will happen.
Love gets me to show my affection Freely.
Love helps me remember that there are things in this world that are worth living for no matter how painful Reality is. 
Love helps me Imagine a better world and Hope that life will only get better.
Love gives me the confidence I need to carry on everyday.
Love ties me together and the best part is, love never leaves. 
It may disappoint, cause you to feel lonely, but love is boundless. Endless. 
Without us, there will be no love. 
Love may be a terrible leader, but it will never fail to get you to where you’re meant to go.

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