Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dear young kids of the world (someonе opinion)
You little fellas really need to stop trying so hard to grow old. Trust me, teenage years are not the best times of your life. You will be the age you want to be before you know it. I know little kids go through things too but as for now.. Make the most of your life, don’t let the bullies get you down, be strong, be yourself, & know that honestly your childhood memories are the most sacred memories to your heart. Take as many pictures as you can and write letters to yourself and keep them someplace safe. Start scrapbooks. Who cares if you’re a boy, memories are very precious. Your older self would thank you for it. You don’t want to forget your childhood memories and how things were then. Sure people could explain to you how you were, but it’s nice to know who you really were and not just from other peoples perspective...

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