Thursday, March 6, 2014

On the day that we parted,
you told me that another man
would come along someday
and give me the feelings
that you could not give me
That I ‘deserved’ someone better
with the value of my worth 
That I should give the very thing
that I was capable of 
to another person more deserving
And that you just didn’t want to be
with anyone right now
But I was never once fooled
by the words you spoke
And deep down, I knew
that you just couldn’t bring yourself
to tell me the truth
The truth on how much you really
missed her
The truth on how much you wanted 
to be with her 
The truth on how much I wasn’t
like her
That you could never come to love me 
as you once loved her
That you could not see me in your future,
in the way that you once saw her
You told me that I deserved better,
when you meant that you 
deserved better
That you were not the one for me, 
when you meant that I
was not the one for you
You told me to love another,
and I told you, ‘I love you’
You told me to want another
and I told you, ‘I want you’
You asked me to let you go,
but I told you, ‘Please stay’
I asked you to think it over
but you told me, ‘It is over’
And at the moment when we parted,
I could only say my last three words
The phrase that meant nothing to you
The last ‘I love you’
Knowing that you wouldn’t reply
with those same words back
Knowing that you couldn’t,
even if you wanted to
— Remy Raine, “Silent Truth”

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