Thursday, March 6, 2014

I saw your link to submit scary stories and I thought I might as well tell a personal story since I’m waiting for my food to heat up so here it goes.
Growing up, I was more sensitive to the paranormal than the rest of my family. I’ve heard, felt, sensed, and seen ghosts my whole life but it was nothing negative until I moved into a house three years ago.
So about three years ago, I lived in this house with my parents, two sisters, and brother. The house was down the street from a graveyard but out of view due to the large trees surrounding the place. From the moment I stepped into the house I knew that there was something off about the house but I didnt know exactly what was wrong with the house except that it had really bad energy and I think my dog could sense it too because she was showing signs of discomfort everywhere she went in the house, especially the basement. My dog, who is really quiet and shy, would just stand at the top of the stairs leading to the basement and growl at nothing. My dad would just say “shes just not used to this house yet” but I knew the real reason why my dog was acting so odd. I just didnt wanna scare everyone by saying “hey guys the house is probably haunted and i thought I should let you all know”.
Anyways, after about a month of living there, the spirits started making themselves known. It started with knocking that sounded like it was coming from inside the walls. It was nothing harmful and wasnt anything new to me being that I got used to things like that growing up so I just shrugged it off. Yeah its a bit weird but I just thought that the spirits wanted to let us know that they were there still and I was fine with that. But then the voices started happening.
The voices were nothing like the harmless whispers that I heard before, growing up. These voices sounded like they were plotting something against me and my family. I would hear my name being constantly called from all over the house, especially from the basement. I never dared to go to the basement because 1. there was a whole lot of junk down there 2. there was a lot of bad mojo. Whatever was down there didnt want me there and I knew it as did my dog.
Then one night, I was finding it hard to sleep because I just had the strangest feeling that someone was standing next to me, watching me. I ignored it thinking that it was my deceased grandma who lets me know shes with me from time to time and so I just decided to go to sleep. I was then woken up by a really aggressive shove on my back. This unseen force was so strong that I almost rolled over on my bed. At that point, I knew it wasnt the spirit of my grandma but something that felt like it wanted to do harm. I then said “what do you wan-” before being interrupted by a low hiss coming from the edge of my bed followed by the barking of my dog which let me know where this entity was(My dog is so helpful). I was too scared to get up and run for the door in fear that this entity would just violently push me again. So I sat there staring at my dark room until I fell asleep a couple hours later. My dog did the same. When I woke up, I explained to my mom what was happening around the house and she began to tell me how the previous owners, father and son, have died in the house(murdered) and that she didnt want to tell me and my siblings because she didnt want us to get scared.
I dont belive it was just the spirit of the father and son in that house. I belive that a demon was also in that house, attracted to the negative energy of the previous owner(s). It was just a really heavy energy that I’ve never came across until moving into that house. Usually when I come across human spirits, I feel calm. But the demon’s presence made me paranoid and feel like my energy was being drained.
I am currently living in a new home but I do pass by that house from time to time. I dont feel the energy of the demon(thank god) whenever I do and the house is owned by a lovely looking family. I’ve spoken to the mother and she said she saged the house of all unclean spirits and nothing out of the normal happens.

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