Monday, March 10, 2014

While I was coming home from school today, I felt afraid for seemingly no reason at a particular crossing that I have to go across almost everyday to reach home. A sheer terror gripped me all of a sudden and all I could think about was to get home as soon as possible. Just a few minutes after I had crossed over and was well on my way home, an unsettling feeling clouded my mind. I heard loud footsteps; as though somebody wearing a pair of loose plastic flip-flops was following me. I turned around but saw nobody.
When I finally reached home, I was feeling okay again so I called my mom and told her about my strange experience. My mom told me that a pregnant woman had died due to an aneurysm a few hours before on the crossing. My mom is a doctor and she had been on the spot when this incident had happened. I don't know the exact details as my mom was called to an emergency surgery while we were talking, so she told me that we would discuss it when she would come back.
I heated my lunch in the microwave and put it out on the table. When I came back a few minutes later, the lunch was NOT on the table but back in the microwave. I was alone at home and I distinctly remembered having put it out, however I shrugged it off.
Before I could start eating, somebody frantically rang the doorbell. I rushed to open the door; however, I could see no one from the magic eye. Again, I shrugged it off and went back to the table. The lunch was NOT there but in the microwave, AGAIN. As I was puzzling over this singular occurrence, I heard the same noisy footsteps behind me, as if someone wearing a pair of loose plastic flip-flops was running towards me. I turned to see absolutely nothing but the flapping curtains. This time I got a bit freaked out and was starting to feel afraid, so I immediately went to my room, leaving the food untouched in the microwave.
Fortunately, nothing happened after this and both my parents arrived home soon so I just let it be.
I know this is not very dramatic but it left me wondering if all this happened today because of that woman's death.

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